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Home / Badminton Grip

Starting with a correct Badminton Grip is the foundation of Playing Badminton. Holding the racket wrongly will decrease your stroke's power and accuracy. Your shots will be limited and therefore you will not enjoy the game as much let alone improve.

You will need to learn how to change grip quickly during games. Below are the two basic types of Badminton Grips.

Forehand Grip

  • This grip is used to hit shots that are on the forehand side of your body and around the head shots.
  • Hold the racket head with your non-playing hand so that the handle points towards you.
  • Your racket face shall be perpendicular to the floor.
  • Place your playing hand on the handle as if you are shaking hands with it.
  • There shall be a V shape in between your thumb and your index finger.
  • The racket handle shall rest loosely in your fingers for greater flexibility.
  • Can try shortening your grip and place it nearer to the shaft to increase control and accuracy when serving and hitting from the forecourt and midcourt.

Backhand Grip

  • This grip is used to hit shots that are on the backhand side of your body.
  • Hold the racket as you would on a forehand grip.
  • Turn the racket anti-clockwise so that the V shape moves leftwards.
  • Place your thumb against the back bevel of the handle for greater leverage and power.
  • The racket handle shall also rest loosely in your fingers.
  • Can try shortening your grip and place it nearer to the shaft to increase control and accuracy when serving and hitting from the forecourt and midcourt.

Possessing a correct Badminton Grip is like having a good head start in a race. Don't lose out and make every effort to improve your game.