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    Coach Saimurali won many tournaments and quickly found his passion in coaching children of all levels.As a coach I focus largely on technique, skills and knowledge of the game.I place a large emphasis on fitness training through badminton, as I have experienced this myself as a fun and competitive way of learning and appreciating the sport. I am passionate about playing Badminton and about coaching, and have been involved in volunteering as an assistant coach for many years, developing my coaching skills and knowledge.Coaching has allowed me to remain active in the sport of Badminton, to meet new people, and support them in becoming the best players they can be.


    • Started playing at age 20.
    • Win Many tournament in state level - Tamilnadu.

    Coach Stanley won many veteran tournaments and quickly found his passion in coaching children of all levels.He is passionate about badminton and has received various professional trainings in India.He contributes his valuable time, effort and expertise in assisting players to develop their skills and enjoy badminton.I am a democratic type of coach and place a large emphasis on fitness, skill development, deceptive training and knowledge of the game.I believe all sports are more than just running around to work up a sweat.I have now been coaching for over 25 years in schools, youth clubs, privately as well as for a number of schools and organisations.


    • Started playing at age 16.
    • Veteran Champion - Tamilnadu.